Wednesday 10 October 2012

Keynote 1- Dr Jason Ohlen

Keynote - Dr Jason Ohler

New Media, New Kids, -New Literacies,
New Citizens, Transforming LEarning through digital creativity

Provide opportunities where students don't have to have the skills because you don't know what doors you might open. If you don't open the door you are turning them away. Kids are banging on the door with their technology so that they can bang on the door. Allow it to open. Makes me wonder about own devices own choices a point to ponder? How can we make this possible?
BYOD - needs to happen it is too expensive to try and keep up with Technology.
Branding on/off to talk to each other.

We live in a society where we a constantly connected. Phones are an extension of the arm. Where does this fit in with school? How can we connect our kid with their devices? Can we possibly begin with year 7 & 8 drive who to teach who?

Text to media collage - moving from the print, to pictures, media, video, still image. Global society you need to be able to use all of these.

Literacy ... Consuming and producing the media forms of the day, whatever they are. We want students to write well. Media literate not just the written form. Is this how our writing PD going? Or are we still too consumed by the written word as teachers rather than written media. Good media is based on good writing. How is this formed? We need to value writing.

The DAOW literacy Digital , Art, Oral and written

Personal and social literacy teach visual and media literacy.

How is our schools mission statement including technology ? Are we including with our kids how technology connects and disconnects? Is this included in our mission statement or any NZ schools mission statement?

Use story maps not story boards.

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